It's been an amazing month for so many reasons! It's been both relaxing and exciting and sometimes very tiring!
July was the month my sister graduated from University! If you saw my last wrap-up you may have seen me talk about her getting her results but on the 14th she finally graduated and it was such and amazing day. I was so proud of her and so happy. I became an amateur photographer for the day while I went around taking photos of her and her friends. It was a fantastic day though and I was so glad to see her enjoy!
Summer finally started! Year 10 has gone by so quickly that it's actually kind of scary. I have no idea where it went but the year is done and over with and now I have a six week break where I don't have to worry about anything and can just enjoy time with my family! Which is something I fully intend to do since I go back in September to a very hectic year!
Ramadan finished this month and Eid was celebrated. After a month of fasting, I was getting used to not having to wake up and two o'clock in the morning and eating during the day. The month went by pretty fast, faster than most years!
Other than that it has been a pretty quiet month. I started building a mechanical robot arm that I had from my sister for Christmas. There will be more on that! I haven't really done a lot to it to be honest. But hopefully I shall get more done in August!
I'm doing a little add-on when I look back at my month, where I just show you my month on instagram. So, here it is!
It's been a really good month book wise, I've started books I've been dying to pick up and finished books that have seemingly been taking me ages to read. So, in July I read:
- An Inspector Calls by J.B Priestly
- Far From You by Tess Sharpe
- Outshine by Nola Decker
- The Runaway Queen by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
I'm in the middle of reading:
- Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
- Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver
- Love... Under Different Skies by Nick Spalding
I'm about a book behind in my goodreads challenge but hopefully that shouldn't take me too long to catch up with since I'm really enjoying these books.
August is going to be a month where I don't plan on doing all too much but just enjoying my Summer before heading back to school. I know that I need to start training for a 10K and I'm going to be a lot more active over the course of the month hopefully.
I hope you all had a good July and good luck to everyone who are picking up A-Level and GCSE results in August! I hope you get the results that you were working for!

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