'The year is 1878. Tessa Gray descends into London's dark supernatural underworld in search of her missing brother. She soon discovers that her only allies are the demon-slaying Shadowhunters - including Will and Jem, the mysterious boys she is attracted to. Soon they find themselves up against the Pandemonium Club, a secret organisation of vampires, demons, warlocks and humans. Equipped with a magical army of unstoppable clockwork creatures, the Club is out to rule the British Empire, and only Tessa and her allies can stop them...'
There were so many reasons that I was looking forward to reading this book. With one of my friends saying that I would love this book and wanting to see how Clare would put Shadowhunters in the 19th century, as well as really looking forward to seeing the Shadowhunting world in a different setting. This book was pulled off in such an amazing way!
For me, it was really interesting to read about the Shadowhunters in the 19th century was really enjoyable. I love seeing how the coped with the travel and how it was always convenient to them and how some of the things that the Shadowhunters use in 'The Mortal Instruments' start to be created in this book. Clare has found a way to make sure that these worlds stay connected, even with a different time period, plot and setting. You have no doubt that you are still within the world of the Nephilim.
The characters in this book were amazing and so were the relationships. Henry had to be my favourite and for me he was the most loveable one in the book, with all his awkwardness. Jessamine has to be on my list of the most annoying characters that are meant to be annoying. There were point where I felt bad for her, points when I liked her but they didn't last for very long. What I loved about this book was that it wasn't just the main characters I fell in love, it was all the background characters. The evil ones and the good ones. It was nice to see Magnus Bane enter the scene once again and my love for his character increased in this book.
There are sometimes times where I find the main characters of the book annoy me quite a bit and though there were some points that I found Tessa a little whiny, it wasn't often and you could understand why. Jem and Will were a pair of characters that I really like, and it was really nice reading their friendship. The way that Jem puts up with Will and how protective Will can be of Jem sometimes.
There were relationships, both friendships and other that I was really curious about and still am to be honest. We weren't told everything in this book about them and though it did annoy me slightly, there are still another two books in the series where I am hoping things will be explained. Though, I do think, they could have further explained one or two things.
Personally, I thought that the writing in this book was a lot better compared to 'The Mortal Instruments' though that might just be a personal preference. I enjoyed it a lot more and am really looking forward to seeing where Clare is going to take the plot from here and there are so many lose ends I am waiting to be tied up.
The epilogue left me wanting to know so much more and I don't think it's going to be long until I pick up the next book in the trilogy.
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