Exam time has meant that even though I can and have been reading, they haven't been the thicker books that I own and would really, really like to get through. My Summer reading list consists of books that I know I would not be able to get through during exams or I knew I would end up not being able to get into. So, now that I only have the one exam left, I thought I would show you guys the books that I'm hopefully going to get through as soon as I finish my last exam! I'm not sure I'm going to get through all of them and I'll probably be reading a few other books through Summer but these are just the ones that I really want to get through before school starts in September.
So, this Summer I really want to start 'The Inheritance Cycle' again. I read Eragon a little bit ago and then got a fair way through Eldest but I never finished it off, even though I was really enjoying it. I have got the last two in the series as well. So, I'm going to see what I can get through in Summer with these lot. Even if I can just finish Eldest off.
'1984' by George Orwell is one that I am dying to read. My sister has a copy of the book and I've wanted to read it so much but I though I would wait until after all of my exams are over so I can properly get into it all.
'Far From You' by Tess Sharpe is another one I'm really looking forward to start and one that my sister had bought me a little while ago. I've heard so much about this book and I just want to see what it's like for myself now. So, that should be a really good one to start and I'm really excited to get through that one. I've heard some mixed reviews about this book but the plot line sounds extremely good so I shall see how it goes.
The last one that I'm hoping to get through this Summer is 'The Magician' by Raymond E. Feist. It's book one and two in 'The Riftwater Saga'. It's a pretty thick book which I know might take me a while to get through so I'd like some time without school work getting in the way to just get through the book without having to put it down for ages!
So, is there anything you guys are looking forward to reading this Summer?
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