I use the website Bucketlistly to keep track of all of the things that are on my bucketlist and when I've done them. It's also made me add a lot more things to my bucketlist because I get the chance to see what other people are adding. I'm going to start taking things from my bucketlist and sharing them with you guys along with the reasons why these things are on there. I'm really excited for this feature, so here goes nothing.
For today's post I've picked out this one from my list:
For me donating money to charity and raising money for charity are two different things. I've donated to charity before but I actually want to be able to raise money for it. Charity is quite a big thing in my family and we like to be able to donate as much as we can. Knowing that your money is going towards someone or a cause who needs it always makes me happy because it feels as though I'm helping make a difference.
I'm really hoping to do the Race For Life next year which will include me having to raise money for Cancer Research. So, hopefully this will be soon crossed off the list. If I don't end up doing the Race For Life there are so many other ways to do so and I will find a way!
Just Giving is such a good way to raise money as well and it's really easy. So, I'll probably use that to help me raise money as well
Have you guys got a bucketlist then? And what's on yours?

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