Saturday 27 June 2015

Book Review: Wither

Title: Wither
Author: Lauren DeStefano
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
Series: Chemical Garden Trilogy #1
Release Date: 22/03/2011
Pages: 358
Service: Bought
Format: Paperback
Buy: Book Depository 
Author Twitter: @LaurenDeStefano

'In the not-too-distant future, genetic engineering has turned every newborn into a ticking time bomb. Males die at the age of twenty-five, and females die at the age of twenty. While scientists seek a miracle antidote, young girls are routinely kidnapped and sold as polygamous brides to bear more children. When sixteen year old Rhine is taken, she enters a world of wealthy an privilege that both entices and terrifies her. She has everything she ever wanted - except freedom. 

Soon it becomes clear that not everyoen at her new husband's home is how they appear. With the help of Gabriel, a servant Rhine is growing dangerously attracted to, Rhine attempts to escape... before her time runs out.'

I fall in love with this book more and more every single time I read it and I've read this book three times now. Lauren DeStefano had no problem with drawing me into her dystopian world and taking me on a journey with all of her character. The story starts with 16 year old Rhine and we follow her story and how she copes with the short like that she lives with and how those around her try to find a cure so that men and women can live longer than they do. 

I love the way that Rhine is portrayed. She's can be confident and loving and caring. However, we do see these weaknesses in her. I love that DeStefano allowed her character to become this real person who wasn't able to cope with everything that was going on and did breakdown at times.She was a character who could act independently but also needed people to help her and she was okay with that. I felt like I was able to see a lot of things through Rhine's eyes with very little difficulty and you could understand her predicaments. 

Characters like Linden, Cecily, Gabriel and Jenna were well written and constantly made me want to know more about them. I was in a battle about whether I liked them or not and whether I could trust them. 

The plot was just perfectly executed. It was one of those books that I went through really quickly but when I reread, took more time to take it all in all over again. I just can't find anything to fault with this book. The characters, the description of the settings and the plot were all brilliantly knitted together to create this breathtaking book that I would recommend any fan of dystopia to read. The ending leaves you hanging on for so much more so I would definitely make sure that you have the next two books on hand so you can dive straight into them.

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